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Mumbai + 91 9820244162 [email protected] 503 - 504, United Business Park, Than
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What we offer

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Engine optimization
Social media strategy
Real time and data
Online media management
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Fresh, new ideas & bold moves

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The home of technology is now in front of you

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Let’s turn your idea into a scalable business

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Shine the new light on the digital world

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Awesome portfolio

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Market analysis

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Financial advice

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Innovative solutions

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Optimal choice

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Business strategy

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Marketing outline

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From a simple beginning, Sirmaxo has grown to become the leading infection control solutions provider. Our aim is to remain as a pioneer of the industry, developing and integrating the most advanced methods and technologies for ultimate customer satisfaction.

Tapas Parida General Manager – IT, Sirmaxo Chemicals Private Limited

Being a subsidiary of Global Company, we have to ensure that all compliances and standards are met. As we manufacture for worlds Top 10 Pharma companies, our systems will be continuously audited by our customers and hence we need a robust system that supports all our initiatives

MC Nanaiah President - Information Systems & Processes Recipharm, Bangalore

We produce medicines which help our customers to improve their health, with the goal of products of the highest quality that improve lives and deliver outstanding value to humanity. Geno is also committed to develop more manufacturing facilities. Simply put, we aim to use SAP S/4HANA to help us raise the quality of life for posterity.

Jayanand Aroskar, GM IT & Compliance, Geno Pharmaceuiticals Ltd., Goa

Jenburkt’s strong belief that an advancement in science promises hope, health and happiness is what drives the people of Jenburkt to commit and perform. Strong infrastructure, a well-diversified portfolio of business investments and SAP S/4HANA will help us stay on course.

Jayesh Tanna General Manger IT, Jenburkt Pharma, Mumbai

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Meet the professionals

Praesent hendrerit, mi facilisis eleifend lobortis mi est hendrerit fringillaibus lorem, nonfringilla dui enim et ante eleiz.

John Hunt
Anna Torres
Richard Wolf
UI/UX Designer
Melissa Lima
Sara Walker
Jan Sandoval
Cheryl Stone
Vincent Lucas

Fresh, new ideas
& bold moves

Development 0

Ui / UX Design 0

Compatibility 0

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